Wednesday 8 November 2017

7 ways to make money with Wordpress site

Gone are the days when people used to earn only from traditional brick and mortar businesses. With the introduction of Ecommerce, people have started earning online. There are so many ways to make money online. One of them is making money with WordPress website.

Earn money with wordpress site

Essentially, what you have to have is the digital property and potential to get the things done. You have a huge number of audience worldwide. There are about 3 billion internet users and the people doing online business is increasing day by day.
Now you have a WordPress site and the much needed audience – 3 billion internet users. Huge number, huh!

We are here to help you with the ways to make money with WordPress site even if you are not a coder. ;) Here we go.

Money with Wordpress site

Enlisting 7 ways to make money with WordPress Site

1.     With Affiliate Marketing
One of the most popular ways to make money from a website is to do affiliate marketing and it’s very easy. First thing first - start by finding a product that you like and want to have it on your website. After that you endorse it and start its promotion on your website. If your product or service is liked by the people, then they will click on your affiliate link, thereby purchasing the product. Hence, you will get split of the sale price of the product.

You might get the commission up to 70%. For instance, if the split is 50% and you promoted a product that costs around $1000, you’ll get $500 for simply referring the buyer.
You can take help from the various websites like Commission Junction, SharASale, Click bank etc. in order to find products for promotion.

2.     Help from Google ADsense
We all are aware of the adwords – that show up on the top of Google Results pages. AdSense is just the reverse of adwords. It allows publishers (Bloggers and other website owners) to get into Google’s immense advertising network. They can make money by simply placing ads on their website.

It is really very easy. Signup to Google AdSense. Google will give you a simple code for your website. You have to place that code on your website; which will identify the content of your site and will display relevant advertisements. For instance, your website is about yoga (pranayama & asanas), Google AdSense will start showing your visitors ads for yoga mats, yoga pants, and more.

You earn money each time someone clicks on the ad.
You will get anywhere from $0.50 to $5 per click. If your site has a good traffic, then you can make good money each month.

3.     Selling your digital copy
You can earn by selling your own digital product, say for example an e-book or some audio book. This is the one of the best ways to earn as there is no one to take the share between you and the buyer. 

This approach seems straightforward as you could sell these products directly through your website and get paid for that. Well, it is not really that easy.

Developing quality products require a good amount of time and add on resources like design, content etc. You might have a lot many hidden costs involved.  Also, you might face some issues like how will you collect payment? How will you mail or distribute your product? Taxes? etc. etc. 

4.     Sell content as premium for extra $
If you have a wonderful content that your visitors aren’t getting enough, you can always ask them to pay for it. But don’t ask for payment immediately. Rather, focus on increasing number of your audience first. This is a mind-blowing idea for earning online.

5.     Lead generation for other companies
We all are aware that businesses are always in quest for creative ways to get leads. You can earn by helping those businesses in generating leads. 
For instance, you have a website for teaching something. Your readers’ information like email address and phone number would be of great help to different institutions who are looking to sell their courses to various students.

6.     Add ‘Hire Me’ button/page on your website
If you are working as a freelancer, then you can add a ‘hire me’ button at the end of each page; or you can insert a ‘hire me’ page in your website. You can showcase the samples of your previous work done. This will increase the chances of fetching you the projects easily.

7.     Display of audio ads
This has been becoming increasingly popular. They look really promising. You can include the audio ads on your website.

All the above tips can be used to earn a good amount from your WordPress site. There are other ways also to make money from your website. But these are the most prominent and quite easy ways to make money.

If you wish to add one of yours, feel free to comment below.